Tales of Xillia follows Jude Mathis, a clever medical student attending school in the capital city, and Milla Maxwell, a mysterious woman accompanied by four unseen beings. Players will be able to choose either Jude or Milla at the outset of their adventure through the world of Rieze Maxia, where humans and spirits live together in harmony. The kingdom of Rashugal has been experimenting with a powerful source that led to draining the mana from the world. Realizing the harm it is inflicting on the world, Jude and Milla set off on a journey to destroy it and restore the mana back to the world.
Everyone teases me for being a do-gooding honors student, and maybe they're right. I just can't let things like this go.A young teen who has ventured away from his hometown to become a medical intern at the capital. For better or worse, he has a tendency to involve himself with other people's problems. As a result, he gets wrapped up in an epic journey far beyond his control.Generally, he is a quiet, book-smart individual that doesn't like physical violence. However, he possesses highly competent melee fighting capabilities that greatly help his allies in combat.He looks up to Milla for her strength and conviction. These are traits he feels he lacks, and so he travels with her to learn from her ways.
Fretting over it won't strengthen your resolve. Only willpower alone can do that.A mysterious woman who is accompanied by the Four Great Spirits of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. She is bound by her strong sense of responsibility and duty as Maxwell, the Lord of Spirits. She will stop at nothing to achieve her goals.Though she is incredibly wise beyond her years, her lack of societal interaction has left her void of basic societal etiquette. Even the most trivial idiosyncrasies and customs of man are of great interest to her.Through her travels with Jude, she slowly gains a greater understanding of humanity and their emotions.
Tales of Xillia follows Jude Mathis, a clever medical student attending school in the capital city, and Milla Maxwell, a mysterious woman accompanied by four unseen beings. Players will be able to choose either Jude or Milla at the outset of their adventure through the world of Rieze Maxia, where humans and spirits live together in harmony. The kingdom of Rashugal has been experimenting with a powerful source that led to draining the mana from the world. Realizing the harm it is inflicting on the world, Jude and Milla set off on a journey to destroy it and restore the mana back to the world.
Everyone teases me for being a do-gooding honors student, and maybe they're right. I just can't let things like this go.A young teen who has ventured away from his hometown to become a medical intern at the capital. For better or worse, he has a tendency to involve himself with other people's problems. As a result, he gets wrapped up in an epic journey far beyond his control.Generally, he is a quiet, book-smart individual that doesn't like physical violence. However, he possesses highly competent melee fighting capabilities that greatly help his allies in combat.He looks up to Milla for her strength and conviction. These are traits he feels he lacks, and so he travels with her to learn from her ways.
Fretting over it won't strengthen your resolve. Only willpower alone can do that.A mysterious woman who is accompanied by the Four Great Spirits of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. She is bound by her strong sense of responsibility and duty as Maxwell, the Lord of Spirits. She will stop at nothing to achieve her goals.Though she is incredibly wise beyond her years, her lack of societal interaction has left her void of basic societal etiquette. Even the most trivial idiosyncrasies and customs of man are of great interest to her.Through her travels with Jude, she slowly gains a greater understanding of humanity and their emotions.
Tales of Xillia follows Jude Mathis, a clever medical student attending school in the capital city, and Milla Maxwell, a mysterious woman accompanied by four unseen beings. Players will be able to choose either Jude or Milla at the outset of their adventure through the world of Rieze Maxia, where humans and spirits live together in harmony. The kingdom of Rashugal has been experimenting with a powerful source that led to draining the mana from the world. Realizing the harm it is inflicting on the world, Jude and Milla set off on a journey to destroy it and restore the mana back to the world.
Everyone teases me for being a do-gooding honors student, and maybe they're right. I just can't let things like this go.A young teen who has ventured away from his hometown to become a medical intern at the capital. For better or worse, he has a tendency to involve himself with other people's problems. As a result, he gets wrapped up in an epic journey far beyond his control.Generally, he is a quiet, book-smart individual that doesn't like physical violence. However, he possesses highly competent melee fighting capabilities that greatly help his allies in combat.He looks up to Milla for her strength and conviction. These are traits he feels he lacks, and so he travels with her to learn from her ways.
Fretting over it won't strengthen your resolve. Only willpower alone can do that.A mysterious woman who is accompanied by the Four Great Spirits of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. She is bound by her strong sense of responsibility and duty as Maxwell, the Lord of Spirits. She will stop at nothing to achieve her goals.Though she is incredibly wise beyond her years, her lack of societal interaction has left her void of basic societal etiquette. Even the most trivial idiosyncrasies and customs of man are of great interest to her.Through her travels with Jude, she slowly gains a greater understanding of humanity and their emotions.
The latest in the acclaimed Tales of Japanese role-playing game franchise, Tales of Xillia lets players enter the world of Rieze Maxia in a tale of unwavering convictions. Tales of Xillia follows Jude Mathis, a clever medical student attending school in the capital city, and Milla Maxwell, a mysterious woman accompanied by four unseen beings. Players will be able to choose either Milla or Jude at the outset of their adventure through the world of Rieze Maxia, where humans and spirits live together in harmony. Players will engage enemies with the critically acclaimed Linear Motion Battle System that the Tales of series is famous for. The battle system in Tales of Xillia has been upgraded to Double Raid Linear Motion Battle System to let two characters combine their attacks to utilize devastating dual-character attack, letting fans strategize the best party setup for their style of play.
Tales of Xillia follows Jude Mathis, a clever medical student attending school in the capital city, and Milla Maxwell, a mysterious woman accompanied by four unseen beings. Players will be able to choose either Jude or Milla at the outset of their adventure through the world of Rieze Maxia, where humans and spirits live together in harmony. The kingdom of Rashugal has been experimenting with a powerful source that led to draining the mana from the world. Realizing the harm it is inflicting on the world, Jude and Milla set off on a journey to destroy it and restore the mana back to the world.
Everyone teases me for being a do-gooding honors student, and maybe they're right. I just can't let things like this go.A young teen who has ventured away from his hometown to become a medical intern at the capital. For better or worse, he has a tendency to involve himself with other people's problems. As a result, he gets wrapped up in an epic journey far beyond his control.Generally, he is a quiet, book-smart individual that doesn't like physical violence. However, he possesses highly competent melee fighting capabilities that greatly help his allies in combat.He looks up to Milla for her strength and conviction. These are traits he feels he lacks, and so he travels with her to learn from her ways.
Fretting over it won't strengthen your resolve. Only willpower alone can do that.A mysterious woman who is accompanied by the Four Great Spirits of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. She is bound by her strong sense of responsibility and duty as Maxwell, the Lord of Spirits. She will stop at nothing to achieve her goals.Though she is incredibly wise beyond her years, her lack of societal interaction has left her void of basic societal etiquette. Even the most trivial idiosyncrasies and customs of man are of great interest to her.Through her travels with Jude, she slowly gains a greater understanding of humanity and their emotions.
Brand Name | Bandai Namco |
GameStop Exclusive | false |
Number of Players | 1 |
Genre | RPG |
Franchise | Tales |
Publisher Name | Bandai |
Developer Name | Bandai Namco Entertainment America Inc. |