- FREEDOM AND LIBERTY: Do whatever you want in a massive open world with hundreds of locations, characters, and quests. Join multiple factions vying for power or go it alone, the choices are all yours.
- YOU'RE S.P.E.C.I.A.L!: Be whoever you want with the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. character system. From a Power Armored soldier to the charismatic smooth talker, you can choose from hundreds of Perks and develop your own playstyle.
- COLLECT AND BUILD!: Collect, upgrade, and build thousands of items in the most advanced crafting system ever. Weapons, armor, chemicals, and food are just the beginning - you can even build and manage entire settlements.
- SUPER DELUXE PIXELS!: An all-new next-generation graphics and lighting engine brings to life the world of Fallout like never before. From the blasted forests of the Commonwealth to the ruins of Boston, every location is packed with dynamic detail.
- VIOLENCE AND V.A.T.S.!: Intense first or third person combat can also be slowed down with the new dynamic Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System (V.A.T.S) that lets you choose your attacks and enjoy cinematic carnage.
- RADIATION AND YOU: While some harmful radiation should have dissipated years ago, lingering radiation will remain. In the Wasteland, ceaseless radioactive bombardment will attack your body without warning until it's too late. This will be a real threat to your survival. Use your Vault-Tec assigned Pip-Boy to monitor radiation levels at all times.
- ADAPTING TO THE OUTSIDE: The moment you exit the vault, you will notice a piercing bright light. Like a creature of the night, your eyes are not accustomed to the bare sun. Make sure to shield the retinas with tinted goggles.
Product Description

Next-Gen Update
Enclave remnants
Some say the past is a scar, cut across the skin of the Commonwealth. Others believe it's a scab clotted over an unhealed wound. Those who fought the Enclave, and those who serve them subscribe to the latter. And when the scab is broken the flag of this old-world cabal will once more stand at full mast. Unless of course, you stop them first. Features the classic Enclave Colonel uniform and over a dozen workshop items! If you have other Enclave creations installed, some of these troops may use this equipment against you!

Next-Gen Update
Makeshift weapon pack
Whether it be grenades or piggy banks, there's no shortage of objects you can transform into murderous projectiles with this collection of unique weapons. Included are two grenade launchers, a Nail Gun, Baseball Launcher, Saw Blade launcher, and piggy bank based weaponry. (Quest "When Pigs Fly" starts at a merchant workshop northwest of Greenetech Genetics.)

Next-Gen Update
Halloween workshop
On the eve of the end, the New England Technocrat Society has thrown a spooky Halloween gala for anyone with the nerve to attend. Drop in on this fa-boo-lous pumpkin-lit soiree replete with witches, cauldrons, and ghouls, and unlock 38 new spine-tingling Halloween props to decorate your settlement! Includes new wearables, such as the iconic De-Capitalist helmet! (Quest "All Hallow's Eve" starts by tuning into the Mysterious Signal on your Pip-Boy.)

- FREEDOM AND LIBERTY: Do whatever you want in a massive open world with hundreds of locations, characters, and quests. Join multiple factions vying for power or go it alone, the choices are all yours.
- YOU'RE S.P.E.C.I.A.L!: Be whoever you want with the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. character system. From a Power Armored soldier to the charismatic smooth talker, you can choose from hundreds of Perks and develop your own playstyle.
- COLLECT AND BUILD!: Collect, upgrade, and build thousands of items in the most advanced crafting system ever. Weapons, armor, chemicals, and food are just the beginning - you can even build and manage entire settlements.
- SUPER DELUXE PIXELS!: An all-new next-generation graphics and lighting engine brings to life the world of Fallout like never before. From the blasted forests of the Commonwealth to the ruins of Boston, every location is packed with dynamic detail.
- VIOLENCE AND V.A.T.S.!: Intense first or third person combat can also be slowed down with the new dynamic Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System (V.A.T.S) that lets you choose your attacks and enjoy cinematic carnage.
- RADIATION AND YOU: While some harmful radiation should have dissipated years ago, lingering radiation will remain. In the Wasteland, ceaseless radioactive bombardment will attack your body without warning until it's too late. This will be a real threat to your survival. Use your Vault-Tec assigned Pip-Boy to monitor radiation levels at all times.
- ADAPTING TO THE OUTSIDE: The moment you exit the vault, you will notice a piercing bright light. Like a creature of the night, your eyes are not accustomed to the bare sun. Make sure to shield the retinas with tinted goggles.
Product Description
Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, welcome you to the world of Fallout 4 – their most ambitious game ever, and the next generation of open-world gaming.

Next-Gen Update
Enclave remnants
Some say the past is a scar, cut across the skin of the Commonwealth. Others believe it's a scab clotted over an unhealed wound. Those who fought the Enclave, and those who serve them subscribe to the latter. And when the scab is broken the flag of this old-world cabal will once more stand at full mast. Unless of course, you stop them first. Features the classic Enclave Colonel uniform and over a dozen workshop items! If you have other Enclave creations installed, some of these troops may use this equipment against you!

Next-Gen Update
Makeshift weapon pack
Whether it be grenades or piggy banks, there's no shortage of objects you can transform into murderous projectiles with this collection of unique weapons. Included are two grenade launchers, a Nail Gun, Baseball Launcher, Saw Blade launcher, and piggy bank based weaponry. (Quest "When Pigs Fly" starts at a merchant workshop northwest of Greenetech Genetics.)

Next-Gen Update
Halloween workshop
On the eve of the end, the New England Technocrat Society has thrown a spooky Halloween gala for anyone with the nerve to attend. Drop in on this fa-boo-lous pumpkin-lit soiree replete with witches, cauldrons, and ghouls, and unlock 38 new spine-tingling Halloween props to decorate your settlement! Includes new wearables, such as the iconic De-Capitalist helmet! (Quest "All Hallow's Eve" starts by tuning into the Mysterious Signal on your Pip-Boy.)

Order Attributes
UPC | 113477113477 |
Brand Name | Bethesda Softworks |
Vendor Part Number | GS113477 |
GameStop Exclusive | false |
Genre | RPG |
Franchise | Fallout |
Publisher Name | Bethesda Softworks |
Developer Name | Bethesda Softworks |