Pro Training Series #12




Team Envy


Episode 1: Building and Playing a 40 Card Deck

In this video, Seth takes you through how to build and play a 40 card deck. Some decks are going to play combo cards or some decks only have 1 or 2 win conditions. See how to build a 40 card deck and play it properly.

Episode 2: Building and Using a Sideboard

In this video, Seth takes you through how to build and effectively utilize a sideboard. Sideboards are crucial to gameplay strategy as they can exploit your opponent’s weaknesses.

Episode 3: Tips for Drafting a 40 Card Deck

In this video, Seth takes you through important tips for drafting a 40 card deck. Drafting your 40 card deck is one of the most important moves in the game.

Episode 4: Building Your Deck and Mana Base

In this video, Seth takes you through how to efficiently build your deck and mana base. Your mana base will help support spell casting and can increase your chances of winning.

Episode 5: Understanding Your Role in the Matchup

In this video, Seth takes you through knowing your role in the matchup. Role assignment is a technique utilized after understanding the basics of the game.